Multi-Actor Platform

Joint design and evaluation, with stakeholder and region sensitivity, of sustainable management and management options for agricultural resources.


Construction and harmonization of databases

Agroecosystem management activities, water resources management, nutrient balance and agro-environmental impacts on soil, water and atmosphere.


Modeling platform

It allows exploring the potential impact of agricultural management scenarios on air and water quality in the agricultural-fluvial zone continuum.


Selection of management scenarios

Selection of agroecosystem management scenarios to increase their sustainability.


Agri-environmental Impact Visualisation Tool and Nutrient Calculator

For the assessment of the potential environmental impact of agricultural practices on water and atmosphere.

Multi-actor platform

Co-design of management strategies

AgroGreen SUDOE incorporates the vision and sensitivities of the main actors involved in the agricultural production processes and the development of public policies through the AgroGreen SUDOE Multi-Actor Platform, in which all beneficiary partners and associates participate. The two main functions of the platform are:
Provide quality information to design and propose different agricultural management scenarios and evaluate the agri-environmental impact of different agricultural management scenarios in agroecosystems of the SUDOE territory.
Co-design management strategies for these production systems that lead to a decrease in these impacts on water quality, the emission of polluting compounds into the atmosphere and the emission of greenhouse gases.
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data collect

Construction and harmonization of databases

This task group seeks to generate robust, harmonized databases that are sensitive to regional realities and actors in the SUDOE territory. The main databases of the project are:
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Agricultural management in the main crops of each basin, with a special focus on fertilization and irrigation. Diffuse and point sources of contamination of water, soil and atmosphere.


On emissions of greenhouse gases and polluting compounds to water and atmosphere in representative agricultural areas and in riverbank areas at the interface of the above and river channels.


Management and use of reservoirs together with information on the deposit of potentially polluting compounds within natural spaces close to agricultural production systems.


Agricultural management in the main crops of each basin, with a special focus on fertilization and irrigation. Diffuse and point sources of contamination of water, soil and atmosphere.


On emissions of greenhouse gases and polluting compounds to water and atmosphere in representative agricultural areas and in riverbank areas at the interface of the above and river channels.


Management and use of reservoirs together with information on the deposit of potentially polluting compounds within natural spaces close to agricultural production systems.
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In modeling platform

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It allows estimating the agro-environmental impacts, on water and air quality, of agricultural management strategies co-designed within the Mulit-Actor Platform.

Using modeling tools, modeling experts from the UPM, the CNRS and other internationally relevant research groups make
estimates of the sources of potential pollutants, transformation and nutrient flows in the agricultural land-river-sea continuum in the SUDOE territory.

There are two models to be developed at the river basin level:

Nutrient flow models 
Models of emissions of polluting compounds
It allows estimating the agro-environmental impacts, on water and air quality, of agricultural management strategies co-designed within the Mulit-Actor Platform.

Using modeling tools, modeling experts from the UPM, the CNRS and other internationally relevant research groups make estimates of the sources of potential pollutants, transformation and nutrient flows in the agricultural land-river-sea continuum in the SUDOE territory.

There are two models to be developed at the river basin level:

Nutrient flow models
Models of emissions of polluting compounds
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Management scenarios

Selection of management scenarios

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In this task group, the agricultural management scenarios selected and defined in GT1 (in a work developed and carried out within the framework of the multi-actor platform) are evaluated, using the improved modeling tools (GT3), adapted to the reality of the SUDOE regions and validated with existing data and those obtained in GT2.

The objective of this WG is to evaluate the potential of the scenarios to increase the sustainability of the agricultural production systems
of the great Tagus and Garonne basins, and their impact on neighboring natural spaces, through the minimization of emissions of compounds potentially pollutants, such as ammonia and nitrates, and greenhouse gases.

The selection of management scenarios will focus on:

Fertilization Management
Water Resources Management
Management of riparian areas

In this task group, the agricultural management scenarios selected and defined in GT1 (in a work developed and carried out within the framework of the multi-actor platform) are evaluated, using the improved modeling tools (GT3), adapted to the reality of the SUDOE regions and validated with existing data and those obtained in GT2. 

The objective of this WG is to evaluate the potential of the scenarios to increase the sustainability of the agricultural production systems of the great Tagus and Garonne basins, and their impact on neighboring natural spaces, through the minimization of emissions of compounds potentially pollutants, such as ammonia and nitrates, and greenhouse gases.

Fertilization Management
Water Resources Management
Management of riparian areas
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Visualization tool

Visualization of agri-food impacts

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With the information generated in the project's WGs, an agri-environmental impact visualisation tool associated with each of the management scenarios evaluated (WG4) has been built. This has made it possible, with regional and stakeholder sensitivity, to identify the best agricultural practices that lead to greater crop sustainability.
The visualisation tool is an invitation to a journey. A journey through the agricultural systems of the SUDOE territory (Spain, Portugal and southwest France), with a special focus on the Garonne and Tagus river basins, the journey is divided into several stages, initially looking at the system as a whole, with an approach to the importance of nitrogen as a fundamental crop nutrient and the origin of some of the main environmental problems associated with agricultural production. The different stops represent different key points in the system including the nitrogen flows that drive the system, the alternative management options, the agricultural production obtained and the air and water pollution we can expect.
With the information generated in the previous GTs (1-4), a visualization tool of agri-environmental impacts associated with each of the evaluated management scenarios (GT4), will be built, which will allow, with regional and actor sensitivity, to identify the best agricultural practices and / or land use management. 

The display format will be a map of the main basins of the SUDOE territory, with special detail in those of the Tagus and Garonne. For this, it will have “stream map” technology, which allows the incidence of the
different management practices implemented to be visualized by layers. The impacts shown will be the emissions to the atmosphere of greenhouse gases (GHG), ammonia (NH3) and N oxides, and the leaching of nitrates to water; the environmental footprint and crop yields.

A panel will also be shown with the AgroGreen SUDOE categorization of the practices (from least to most impactful in the middle) and their alignment with the principles of the new Common Agricultural Policy and the Farm-to-Table strategy of the European Green Pact.
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Nutrient calculator

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AgroGreenSUDOE has several objectives, including mitigating the environmental effects or impacts of agronomic practices such as fertilisation and irrigation. 
For this reason, and in order to achieve this objective in terms of fertilisation practices, it was decided to work on the creation of a nutrient calculator that can be used by farmers throughout the SUDOE territory. 
The nutrient calculator is based on the Farm Sustainability Tool for Nutrients (FaST), developed by the European Commission.
It is therefore a decision-making tool to support farmers in achieving agronomic efficiency and the absence of harmful effects on health and the environment.
Con la información generada en los GTs anteriores (1-4) se construirá una herramienta de visualización de impactos agroambientales asociados a cada uno de los escenarios de manejo evaluados (GT4), lo que permitirá, con sensibilidad regional y de actor, identificar las mejores prácticas agrícolas y/o de gestión de usos del suelo.

El formato de visualización será un mapa de las principales cuencas del territorio SUDOE, con especial detalle en las del Tajo y Garona. Para ello se contará con tecnología “stream map”, que permite visualizar por capas la incidencia de las
distintas prácticas de manejo implementadas. Los impactos mostrados serán las emisiones a la atmósfera de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI), amoniaco (NH3) y óxidos de N, y lixiviación de nitratos a las aguas; la huella ambiental y los rendimientos de las cosechas.

Se mostrará también un panel con la categorización AgroGreen SUDOE de la prácticas (de menos a más impactantes en el medio) y su alineamiento con los principios de la nueva Política Agraria Común y de la estrategia de la Granja a la Mesa del Pacto Verde Europeo.
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